Portfolio 2019

Here are 24 of the portfolios produced for the Portfolio 2019 programme.

Peter Butterworth

Close Encounters...
One of the many talks given at the Northside Creative club earlier in the year, was a simple and compelling introduction by photographer Jacqui Dean into produce ‘close-up’ or ‘Macro’ images using ‘stacked’ multiple exposures.
Sharp elements of multiple successive captures are combined or ‘stacked’ to produce a single image with a much enhanced range of focused content than would otherwise be expected, or possible.

Shane Clarkson


chez ma mère

Author’s statement

This is the place where I grew up and the images have a nostalgic quality for me. The images bring back memories from my childhood through to when I left home as a young adult. Memories of my mother’s gardens that have always been a mix of fruit trees and flowers, of asbestos sheds filled with ancient boxes of ancient tools, of the dams that we swam in as children that are now filled with water lillies, of maintaining aging fences to keep in the stockand of building my mother a fish pond by cutting down and rendering a rusty water tank.

Many of the images, while taken recently, could have been taken during my childhood or at any period in between. Sometimes things in life change very slowly. However my mother has now reached eighty years of age and can no longer be described as sprightly. We are discussing how long she can continue to remain in the place that has been her home for over forty years. For me these images and others that I have taken are also a record of a time that is rapidly drawing to a close.

Please enjoy them with me.

Shane Clarkson

Margaret Frankish

Simply Trees
I very much enjoy early morning beach photography.
My aim with this series of images was to move away from my more traditional shots and create abstract images.
By repeating the trees, using textures and enhancing the colours, I endeavoured to present a series of images which, though taken on the beach, give a very different portrait of the beach.
Jennifer Gordon


After choosing ‘Flowers’ as my subject for this year's Portfolio,
I had the challenge of learning the process of hiding faded images 
behind each flower.

Brett Handley

    “Evoking Emotion”

I decided to make a photographic series with movement blur and dance and hoped that the expressive visual combination would elicit different moods and feelings.  I was very fortunate to photograph actor and dancer,  Sarah Jane Kelly who brought such energy and expression that my photographs were completed in one studio session.  In my composition I aim for the viewer’s eye to constantly move, like the ceaseless movement of dance, encountering different moods along the way, while also as a whole representing expression and energy.

Shown here is a representation of the print (which measures approximately 78cm width by 88 cm high) and detail of four of the images.

Brett Handley
Beryl Jenkins

Portfolio - Punching Parko’s       

My portfolio was inspired after my lifelong friend Anita developed Parkinson’s Disease and began to attend bi-weekly sessions at the ‘Punching Parko’s Exercise Program’ in Chatswood to which I was driving her.

My portfolio is a series of documentary photographs of the Punching Parko’s sessions.

Where I aim to show partners and carers working together to participate in the activities, the challenges facing the participants to get organised and ready, the joy and sense of achievement they feel from their efforts as well as the support and encouragement they give to each other.

 Beryl Jenkins

Background information on the ‘Punching Parko’s Exercise Program’
The Punching Parko’s Exercise Program aims to empower and improve the quality of life of Parkinson’s sufferers by using non-contact boxing exercises and other activities aimed at improving balance, coordination, strength and fitness.
Current research supports the importance of forced, repetitive and complex exercise as an adjunct to conventional medical and surgical treatment for Parkinson’s disease and whilst the program is not a cure, many people participating in the sessions on a regular basis have been able to keep their Parkinson's symptoms at bay, particularly if they have only been diagnosed relatively recently. Some people have been able to reclaim some of their previous quality of life. Carers are invited to participate in the sessions.

Hemant Kogekar

Old Lang Syne

During our travels we visited grand churches, cathedrals and other historical buildings. These historical monuments are often many centuries old but are well maintained. The current photographs do not readily reveal their antiquity.

Now imagine how these buildings would have been drawn in ancient books or manuscripts…. the weathered look of these pictures conveys these bygone times.

Hemant Kogekar
November 2019

Rod Lowe

"Seven Days"
Heather Miles


I love Australian native plants.

Evolving in an ancient land of poor soils and variable climate, they are often small, hiding in the foliage.
Only up close and personal do they reveal their beauty. Then we see their vibrant colours, unique shapes and subtle designs.

And together with the wombats, quolls, wallabies, birds and insects, they create a landscape that is uniquely Australian.

Yet these plants and their ecosystems are under threat – land clearing, development, weeds and climate change.
Can we allow these unique plants to disappear?

I think not. I believe we can all make a difference and protect them for our grandchildren as well as our own wellbeing.

How? By planting native, by protecting the bush, by living sustainably – every action counts!

Here is a small selection of our beautiful flora, shown up close and personal, showcasing what makes them worth fighting for!

I hope they inspire you to plant a native today.

Heather Miles, November 2019
Steve Mullarkey

NORWAY ~ 2019 

In June this year I spent 3 weeks travelling in Norway going from South to North along Norway’s west coast ending up way above the Arctic Circle.

I was totally gobsmacked by the scenery of the fjords, the mountains and the delightful small towns and villages. Hardly ever in my considerable years have I been so impressed with both a natural and a built environment. I took many photographs including exercising my techniques in Panorama and Long Exposure images.

I strongly felt that I wanted to share this experience with friends and colleagues; hence this portfolio. I hope you enjoy it.

Steve Mullarkey. 

John Pettett


This portfolio depicts the familiar in an unfamiliar way. The veils of colour and movement, of people and trappings, have been lifted. Ethereal lighting and frozen streaks of cloud add drama and motion. Reflections from glass-still water invite us to hold our breath.

Objective observation gives way to personal interpretation. The document is replaced by imagination and becomes the prerogative of the artist and the viewer together.

John Pettett

Maureen Rogers


Since Autumn last year I have been faced with several deaths and serious illness in people close to me and it has felt like a prolonged autumn.

I began to think of Autumn leaves as a metaphor for ageing and approaching death in humans and I wanted to show the beauty of these leaves as they age and decay. Leaves become more brilliant in colour than they were in their prime and perhaps more beautiful, despite the fact that these colour changes foreshadow the arrival of winter and the sadness associated with that.

I read about the mechanism of these colours and realise that the green from photosynthesis simply masks the true colours of leaves. With cooler weather, when photosynthesis ceases, the uniform green goes and the other colours that have been there all along begin to express themselves.

Here, I believe, is an analogy for the way some humans change as death approaches. They begin to show individuality, may get brighter and more flamboyant, lose inhibition, move from conformity to abandon, stop having to fit into preconceived notions and stop worrying about running with the crowd. Only when approaching death do they show their true colours.

I hope to express this with scans of leaves collected in my neighbourhood. I felt with scanning I could get the starkness and purity I was looking for more than I could with standard photography.

Maureen Rogers
Jacques Roussel


The selected images may or may not reflect my political or social views.
I did assemble a set of images that I think are aesthetically appealing,
emotionally stirring and socially or politically relevant.

Peter Sambell


Earlier this year I visited the rural township of Mudgee.  While exploring the area, I came across a number of abandoned railway stations and derelict objects. They represented aspects of a past life yet still conveyed an intriguing story.  This sense of abandonment became the subject of my portfolio.

In today’s society, it’s staggering what we discard, sometimes well before its time.  I hope you find as much interest in these images of dereliction and abandonment as I have discovered.

Peter Sambell
Nigel Streatfield

Sydney in Black and White

I set out to capture the essence of Sydney at night.  Well known landmarks, but in a way that showed the people and their night-time activities.  On the way home from work, out for the evening, seeing the sights or exercising.
I wanted to capture the ethnic diversity of the people in a variety of locations, and produced black and white images as I felt these best reflected the night-time atmosphere.

Nigel Streatfield
Judy Watman

Celebrating Australia’s Cultural Diversity
I belong to a multicultural family.
My parents were welcomed to Australia as refugees from Nazi Austria. One of my husband’s parents was from the UK and the other was a 4th generation Australian. Our daughter was adopted from South Korea and is married to a Spaniard. Our son works in Japan and his girlfriend is from Vietnam.
We are all Australian!
I feel very lucky to be part of this diverse and largely tolerant Australian society. Standing on Town Hall station each week reinforced this feeling. I saw people of many cultures standing together, going about their day without conflict or fear.
I photographed these people to remind myself and others that this rich cultural diversity is one of Australia’s great strengths and has made us what we are today.
I hope that understanding and tolerance will continue to grow in our multicultural Australian society.
Judy Watman 2019


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